
Showing posts from September, 2020

Self-Regulating Battery Charger Circuit

The post explains how a neat little self-regulating automatic battery charger circuit can be made using just two inexpensive transistors. How it Works As can be seen in the diagram, this auto-regulating battery charger circuit utilizes just two transistors for detecting the charging thresholds, and cuts off the process as soon as these limits are detected. Using two transistor actually makes the design hugely sensitive compared to a single transistor charger circuit. The indicated preset is set in such a way that the T1 is just able to conduct at the specified full charge threshold of the battery. When this happens T2 begins switching OFF, and ultimately at a point it is unable to sustain the relay conduction and switches OFF the relay, which in turn cuts of the input charging source with the connected battery. Conversely, when the battery voltage begins dropping, T1 gradually deprived of its adequate conduction voltage level, and ultimately it ceases to conduct, which quickly prompts